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There’s a new man in town

Welcoming Data Egret — the new fresh look of PostgreSQL Consulting
You know how sometimes after a good productive day at work you feel that you’ve done it — you’ve achieved what you planned and you are just in the right place? Well, I rarely feel that way and I love it! I love the fact that every new day brings a new challenge, a new hard decision to make, a new client or a new colleague from whom I would be able to learn.
Since we started PostgreSQL-Consulting five years ago every day has been just like that – a new excitement and rush, problems and solutions, questions and answers and although it has been a while I feel that we’re just getting started.
To celebrate our five year anniversary and acknowledge this ever growing sense of excitement as of 1 March we will be changing our name to Data Egret.
This change is a result of our efforts to mirror the success of our company and promise to our clients to keep delivering personal, efficient and valuable support whenever they need it. We cherish personal approach and strong partnership that we developed with our clients and our rebranding will not change that.
PostgreSQL will remain at our core and we are grateful to be given the opportunity to contribute to its development and growth. PostgreSQL community is an amazing crowd to be a part of and I see it as my personal goal to make sure that as a company we continue to support it and share our knowledge and passion for database maintenance through our solutions and training opportunities.
So next time when you have that feeling that you already arrived, just remember that there is always another mountain ahead and a new challenge to embrace.
Yours truly,
Ilya Kosmodemiansky
CEO, Data Egret aka PostgreSQL-Consulting
PS Our official address, legal name, phone numbers and skype usernames will remain the same. New email addresses will be in the format of first initial followed by last name, however, you can also keep using our old ones.

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